I'm not sure they were simpler times, but in case my last few entries have been too serious for the holidays or for life, try this. The clip is six minutes long; I hope you'll stick with it for at least 3 minutes so you can appreciate Hoffman's skillful quick-cuts to other people in the room.
Has any camera has ever loved anybody as much as this clip loves the dimpled girl in short hair and plaid skirt?
YouTube - Best Bluegrass Clog Dancing Video Ever Made
The film maker is David Hoffman, the year 1964. If you don't know David Hoffman's work, as I did not, please google him. It's an impressive array, not confined to mountain music; many documentaries are available for purchase at http://www.thehoffmancollection.com/available.htm
YouTube - Best Bluegrass Clog Dancing Video Ever Made
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A 49 pound hand-held camera? Wow. My legs are so tired just watching these kids! I had to take a deep breath at the end of the video!!! Thanks for sharing it!!
The girl with the dimples made me smile! They moved with such abandon, it was a joy to see. Happy Holidays to you, Banjo!
When do we get to see you play?
Again, I wasn't sure how people would respond, or if they'd even give it a try. So Brenda and Paula, thank you both.
Paula, to avoid a crime against humanity, I have not subjected many people to my playing. It's a clumsy thing between the CD player and me, really. In my opinion, a lot of Jimmie Dale Gilmore could benefit from a banjo; I work cheap, so sometimes I join his bands in my back room, and I'm sure he's grateful. Ditto Doc Watson and Springsteen (the folk album), never mind that they already have hall of fame banjo players. And so forth. And now Roseanne Cash. Even a little Joan Baez. One nice thing about being fairly tone deaf and clumsy is that you can only hear a little bit of how bad you are. :)
I kinda wanted to hear him too, Paula.
PS: really liked the video and Merry Christmas.
This is fabulous. When Dave and I head down to Amanda & Nate's tonight, I'm going to show them, and then we're going to start practicing! Merry Christmas!
Karen, if you don't film it, I'll sue.
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