There's more than one way to skin a banjo, so I hope you'll give this a try. If the upbeat stuff wears you out, or you're short on time, skip ahead to minute 4:00 for "My Foolish Heart."
YouTube - Eddy Davis & Conal Fowkes / Ory's Creole Trombone - My Foolish Heart
A few years ago, a younger friend gave me an album of Conal Fowkes alone on piano with some golden oldies. My buddy said his mother gave him the CD, and he, a serious pianist and student of music, didn't know what to think of it, but a geezer like me might have the lowdown. I loved the stuff, though it also got points for making me think of my Depression-era parents, who, to my clumsy, teenage, male mortification (and envy), actually did the Charleston on occasion.
So I'm glad Conal Fowkes has found a music mate. If you explore on YouTube, you'll see they also play with Woody Allen, though I suspect that's a status thing--I think they sound better as a duo. They look plenty skillful and sound great even if it isn't bluegrass. I hope somebody besides me buys a record. Variety, spice of life, etc.
I think the movie making here is also skillful.
YouTube - Eddy Davis & Conal Fowkes / Ory's Creole Trombone - My Foolish Heart
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He's kind of darling, isn't he? I don't think I could listen to a whole CD of this, but enjoyed the tune.
Banjo, I seem to recall you once reviewed The Reader. If so, where. I'd like to chime in.
AH, from what I recall of the selections on YouTube, I'd agree it's hit or miss, but there were a few I liked--and I do admire the skill.
I saw "The Reader" when it was in theaters, but I'm pretty sure it was before I was doing reviews here. If memory serves, I thought it was superb.
I grew up listening to TENOR banjo, so this one pretty much scratches me where I itch. I might even dare tickle the one my granddad left me some Saturday night if I know you're coming. I assume Eddy Peabody is old news to a man of your background and sensibilities. Like Davis, he's more out of that Tin Pan Alley tradition than the bluegrass thing. Take a look:
I spent the weekend listening to a banjo driven CD - among others - and it was more mountain folk than this ragtime take so I have to step back a little. Which is hard to do after listening to Roseanne Cash sing "The Winding Stream". I can't get past that to this but I like the musicianship.
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