Where's the birdie?
April 29: Langston Hughes’s “Daybreak in Alabama” « Knopf Doubleday - Poem-a-Day
Except for “Dream Deferred,” I’ve never had much luck in connecting to Langston Hughes. But thanks to Knopf’s tribute to Poetry Month, today I read and liked Hughes’ “Daybreak in Alabama.” Maybe it’s worthwhile to remember good things and think good thoughts about Alabama and the rest of the Southeast as they struggle to recover from the most violent tornadoes in forty years.
Perhaps in that vein, I feel lucky to have discovered two more life birds today (though I don’t keep count): the blue-gray gnat catcher and the ruby-crowned kinglet.
I confess to the sin of pride in having found them in their tangles of brush. The gnat catcher betrayed himself with his repetitive, one-note, gurgling peep. We had a nice conversation; he agreed to pose, then changed his mind—repeatedly. Pose and flit, pose and flit. So I'm very lucky to have caught him.
The ruby-crowned kinglet below was a visible busy-body in a thicket among some swamp water. In the corner of my eye, I first thought he was a butterfly, but I kept looking. Is there a life lesson there? That ridiculous little red patch on his head probably has some evolutionary advantage in wooing. Maybe it's like men's plaid pants in the 1970s.
I’ve recently heard a couple of poets say that witnessing—that highfalutin, almost mystical form of observation—amounts simply to paying attention, honestly close attention. We must shut up and observe. I’m only so-so at it, but when I succeed, the payoff feels tremendously good.
For one thing, it seems as if things are coming together, like the various colors of hands and earth in Hughes’ “Daybreak in Alabama.” For another thing, I like the colors, patterns and shadings of the tangles of brush before complete greening obscures them. Buds are nice, but those browns, grays, and lines should be enough to please anyone. If I then find a bird who is, intentionally or not, making himself the interesting center of attention in that tangle, I’ve seen something that matters, and it's been a good day.
April 29: Langston Hughes’s “Daybreak in Alabama” « Knopf Doubleday - Poem-a-Day